Basic training of the hygienist

Beim Öffnen des Videos wird eine Verbindung zu Drittanbietern hergestellt, die ggf. Daten erheben. Mehr Informationen finden Sie hier.

These seven webcasts cover the basics of hygiene in laundries. They look at the concept of hygiene and explain why it is important to work according to a hygiene plan and hygienically treat laundry from sensitive areas, such as hospitals. In personal hygiene, the importance of clean hands is explained. The training also explains sampling techniques so that participants are able to take samples on their own to ensure hygiene in the laundry.

By successfully completing this course, you will be qualified to hold the title of hygiene officer in accordance with RAL GZ992 and leads to the certification. This course must be renewed every three years.

Cost of this course for members RAL Cerification Association for Responsible Textile Service: 450,- € (net), for non-members: 560,- € (net).

You will receive the invoice after purchasing the course.

Total duration: 130 min.

This course is only available in English.

Preis für Mitglieder (RAL): 450,00 € (netto)

Normalpreis: 560,00 € (netto)

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